Tuesday, April 26, 2011

~ Our choice : NEWATER. (:

Our choice is chosen out of the 4 choices of how to efficiently increase water supply in Singapore as Newater makes use of a unlimited source, waste water, and turns into drinking water. Even thought a huge lump sum of money may be put into building the facilities needed for Newater to be processed, the end product is well worth it. It makes use of sources which are of no use to us. Newater is also a long term solution as it makes use of the one time building facilities and makes water fit for human consumption in the following years.

Now, I shall explain why the other methods are not as ideal.

Firstly, importing water may be an easy way to achieve water and it may not do any harm to the environment, however, it is not a long term solution and dispute may arise due to prices of water being sold, in this case, the cost of water being sold to Singapore is very cheap and Malaysia is unhappy of the situation, hence, threatening to cut off water supply any time. Therefore, the dispute may increase and militaries are threatening to attack if this rages on. Also, buying water may be easy, but the country selling its water also needs water to feed its population. In addition, buying water is real expensive and because Singapore had signed a contract dating back to 1961, and the price of water was real cheap back, then, hence, Singapore could sustain in buying water from Malaysia after such a long period of time. Also, buying water may cause financial toil on the country if the price increases.

Secondly, local catchment areas are not as ideal as these reservoirs need large spaces to be built to catch rain water. And due to the lack of physical space, reservoirs are very hard to build. In contrast, reservoirs may be build small. However, smaller reservoirs meant that there is a smaller surface area that of rain water could be collect. When dry spells happen, the reservoirs may be dry and hence, there is no water to be allowed to go through treatment for consumption.

Lastly, desalination is not as ideal even though both go through the processes of through reverse osmosis. Desalination plants are very costly to build. Also, desalination has by-products which are produced from the pre-treatment. The chemicals used are dumped into the ocean after its being used. Therefore, this harms the environment. Because of this, marine life is also affected. In addition, desalinated water can be harmful to humans as well. By-products of the chemicals used in desalination can get through into the water and endanger the person who drinks it. Desalinated water can also be acidic to both pipes and digestive systems.

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