Thursday, April 28, 2011

Conservation of water.

Conservation of water is a method used to deal with water constraints in Singapore.

The term CONSERVATION OF WATER refers to saving of water as water as water is a precious and valuable source. This allows the up and coming generations to be able to use water. This also refers to the careful use of water, using of conservation teachniques.

The following methods can be used to save and conserve water.

~ Recycling of household water.
~ Collection of rain water.
~ Repairing of underground piping systems.
~ Using water saving methods and technology.
~ Educating the public of water conservation.

Recycling of household water.
- This allows water to be conserved at the home. Recycling of laundry water for many uses such as washing of toilets. Water for washing of rice can be used for watering plants.

Collection of rain water.
- Collection of rain water through pipes and canals. The water collected goes through the pipes and which is connected to the reservoirs. The water is then transferred to the reservoirs which are treated into water fit for human consumption.  Repairing of underground systems
- Not repairing spoilt pipes and faulty connections result in leaking of water. The water wasted is lost in huge amounts, resulting in the lost of a lot of water. Therefore, repairing of pipes and connections can save a lot of water. Using water saving methods and technology.
- Water drips are used instead of water sprays and irrigation canals for irrigation. Equipment used in factories is also replaced with more water saving equipment. Older equipment is also replaced to save water.

Educating the public.
- Educating the public of campaigns to save water. During total defense day, water rationing exercises can be carried out to allow the public to know about saving water. Through mass media, such as print media and broadcast media, the public can know ways to save water. Therefore, conservation of water is used to deal with water constraints. If even water supply is increased, not conserved, water is wasted and this may result in water shortages.

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